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Like clockwork, the nightmare comes.

WR1T3R's alone in the woods. The ground is carpeted with moss and the familiar skeletal trees surround him. Their crooked, bony branches looked like claws trying to take a swipe at the starless sky. The moon was full--unblinking, always watching. It cast its sickly, yellow glow on the woods below. WR1T3R starts walking.

WR1T3R can feel the hundreds of eyes watching him. They are there, hidden in the shadows. He knows he needs to find the well quick. They need to save D34TH. And, just like in all the other iterations of his nightmare, the other nameless are gone. They're dead. He knows it.

The nightmare shifts and WR1T3R's transported in front of this hulking beast. Its flesh continues to shift, its many limbs transforming into a myriad of weapons. He knows that this is only a dream He knows that he and R0S3 had already killed this beast. He KNOWS...and yet he's still afraid.

WR1T3R summons his katana and fights. He fights like how he fought in the nightmares that came before...and like the nightmares that came before, the fight always ends up with him dying on the ground.

He can feel the poison surging through him. He can feel life slipping away. The cold slowly embraces his body. But this time? In this version of the nightmare, he just accepts it. WR1T3R doesn't struggle. His eyes remain on the dark, starless sky and he waits for death to come. As his life seeps out of him, he can also feel the fear ebbing away. Oddly enough, he feels at peace.

WR1T3R's eyes slowly close.


WR1T3R opens his eyes. The voice sounds familiar. "M0R1A?" He asks.

He can feel the poison being drained from his body. He can feel life returning. His eyes remain on the darkness of the night sky and he sees pinpricks of light appearing one by one, until eventually they swallow up the darkness and him.

Writer wakes up on his bed. The room is still. Silence covers everything like a thin veil. Everything looks the same.

But he feels different.

He can't quite explain it. He sits up and stares at his hands. They're...glowing? It's barely noticeable, but in the complete darkness of his room he can see it. He can feel power surging through him.

'Ascend.' He heard M0R1A say in his dream.

WR1T3R'S BLOCK collection image

Memories of a humble scribe in the Ethereal Enclave.

Contract Address0x495f...7b5e
Token ID
Token StandardERC-1155
Creator Earnings

Writer's ascended form

7 items
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Unit Price

Writer's ascended form

7 items
  • Unit Price
    USD Unit Price
  • Unit Price
    USD Unit Price
    Floor Difference

Like clockwork, the nightmare comes.

WR1T3R's alone in the woods. The ground is carpeted with moss and the familiar skeletal trees surround him. Their crooked, bony branches looked like claws trying to take a swipe at the starless sky. The moon was full--unblinking, always watching. It cast its sickly, yellow glow on the woods below. WR1T3R starts walking.

WR1T3R can feel the hundreds of eyes watching him. They are there, hidden in the shadows. He knows he needs to find the well quick. They need to save D34TH. And, just like in all the other iterations of his nightmare, the other nameless are gone. They're dead. He knows it.

The nightmare shifts and WR1T3R's transported in front of this hulking beast. Its flesh continues to shift, its many limbs transforming into a myriad of weapons. He knows that this is only a dream He knows that he and R0S3 had already killed this beast. He KNOWS...and yet he's still afraid.

WR1T3R summons his katana and fights. He fights like how he fought in the nightmares that came before...and like the nightmares that came before, the fight always ends up with him dying on the ground.

He can feel the poison surging through him. He can feel life slipping away. The cold slowly embraces his body. But this time? In this version of the nightmare, he just accepts it. WR1T3R doesn't struggle. His eyes remain on the dark, starless sky and he waits for death to come. As his life seeps out of him, he can also feel the fear ebbing away. Oddly enough, he feels at peace.

WR1T3R's eyes slowly close.


WR1T3R opens his eyes. The voice sounds familiar. "M0R1A?" He asks.

He can feel the poison being drained from his body. He can feel life returning. His eyes remain on the darkness of the night sky and he sees pinpricks of light appearing one by one, until eventually they swallow up the darkness and him.

Writer wakes up on his bed. The room is still. Silence covers everything like a thin veil. Everything looks the same.

But he feels different.

He can't quite explain it. He sits up and stares at his hands. They're...glowing? It's barely noticeable, but in the complete darkness of his room he can see it. He can feel power surging through him.

'Ascend.' He heard M0R1A say in his dream.

WR1T3R'S BLOCK collection image

Memories of a humble scribe in the Ethereal Enclave.

Contract Address0x495f...7b5e
Token ID
Token StandardERC-1155
Creator Earnings
Unit Price