Apartment hunting in NYC isn’t always easy. You come across some terrible places you would never imagine to live in. Then, just when you’ve given up hope - you see the place of your dreams with a view that truly takes your breathe away. Of course you cant afford it, leaving you with constant dreams to one day move there. A few years later, with a lot of grinding hard - the dream comes true.
643 unique stories are told through photography. Strangers from around the world have submitted photos to the first Collective Strangers photography mint.
This collection is sourced and curated entirely by the community.
Original Membership: https://opensea.io/collection/collective-strangers
CS Community Collection #640
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CS Community Collection #640
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Apartment hunting in NYC isn’t always easy. You come across some terrible places you would never imagine to live in. Then, just when you’ve given up hope - you see the place of your dreams with a view that truly takes your breathe away. Of course you cant afford it, leaving you with constant dreams to one day move there. A few years later, with a lot of grinding hard - the dream comes true.
643 unique stories are told through photography. Strangers from around the world have submitted photos to the first Collective Strangers photography mint.
This collection is sourced and curated entirely by the community.
Original Membership: https://opensea.io/collection/collective-strangers