I became so good at at masking the darkness. What you saw on the outside was nothing like what I was actually feeling on the inside. An original surrealist digital painting by SΞCONĐ RΞΛLM. It was created using mixed techniques like collage, digital painting, and photo manipulation. This is the brother piece to "tearing me up: how you see me" year: 2020 edition: 1 of 1 filetype: png dimensions: 2376 x 3168 px
tearing me up: how i feel
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tearing me up: how i feel
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I became so good at at masking the darkness. What you saw on the outside was nothing like what I was actually feeling on the inside. An original surrealist digital painting by SΞCONĐ RΞΛLM. It was created using mixed techniques like collage, digital painting, and photo manipulation. This is the brother piece to "tearing me up: how you see me" year: 2020 edition: 1 of 1 filetype: png dimensions: 2376 x 3168 px