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When I recorded the song “Parallel Parking” in my bedroom two years ago, I had no idea it was gonna change my life in the way it did. Now, here we are two years later and it’s been streamed almost 25 million times (woah). I can’t put into words how grateful I am for every single person who has supported my music, even if it was just one random listen. Every little thing makes a difference. So, to celebrate the song’s two year anniversary, I thought I’d pay it forward by covering some strangers’ parking tickets. Actually, WE are gonna pay it forward together.

Something as seemingly small as a parking ticket can have a huge impact on someone’s life, so I figured why not make it a positive one? To do this, we’ve created the Parallel Parking Fund, supported by this collection of limited edition NFTs. By purchasing from this collection, you are helping me pay a smile forward by raising money that will go directly toward paying off other peoples’ parking tickets.

Not only can you help support the Parallel Parking Fund, but you can also have the chance to get your parking ticket paid. Between Jan 18th-Jan 25th, post your ticket on your IG Story or Twitter so you can have the chance to get it paid. Make sure to tag me so I don't miss it!

Thanks to everyone who takes part in this. It’s all about the little things :):

IG: @ardenjones Twitter: @ArdenJones_

Arden Jones - Parallel Parking collection image

Created by Arden Jones on Sound. Leave a comment on the song at

Contract Address0x3d46...b40c
Token ID
Token StandardERC-721
Last Updated1 year ago
Creator Earnings

Parallel Parking #4

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    Floor Difference

Parallel Parking #4

  • Price
    USD Price
  • Price
    USD Price
    Floor Difference

When I recorded the song “Parallel Parking” in my bedroom two years ago, I had no idea it was gonna change my life in the way it did. Now, here we are two years later and it’s been streamed almost 25 million times (woah). I can’t put into words how grateful I am for every single person who has supported my music, even if it was just one random listen. Every little thing makes a difference. So, to celebrate the song’s two year anniversary, I thought I’d pay it forward by covering some strangers’ parking tickets. Actually, WE are gonna pay it forward together.

Something as seemingly small as a parking ticket can have a huge impact on someone’s life, so I figured why not make it a positive one? To do this, we’ve created the Parallel Parking Fund, supported by this collection of limited edition NFTs. By purchasing from this collection, you are helping me pay a smile forward by raising money that will go directly toward paying off other peoples’ parking tickets.

Not only can you help support the Parallel Parking Fund, but you can also have the chance to get your parking ticket paid. Between Jan 18th-Jan 25th, post your ticket on your IG Story or Twitter so you can have the chance to get it paid. Make sure to tag me so I don't miss it!

Thanks to everyone who takes part in this. It’s all about the little things :):

IG: @ardenjones Twitter: @ArdenJones_

Arden Jones - Parallel Parking collection image

Created by Arden Jones on Sound. Leave a comment on the song at

Contract Address0x3d46...b40c
Token ID
Token StandardERC-721
Last Updated1 year ago
Creator Earnings