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By DrSuss
By DrSuss

Many new comers to the way of the frog believe that The Prophecy of Kek has been fighting the institutions for just the last few years. But the Prophecy and fight is as old as time itself.

Where there are people and resources, there are those who will try and exploit them. Where there is love and frenship, there are those who will try to destroy it.

In ancient times, the Kekeyana peoples lived peacefully in the hill of Smowlistan. In this village, everyone was frens and humble meme farmers. The elder of the town, Kekeyan, had a stunning waifu, family, and siblings of his own. Life was sinple and gud.

One day, the notoriously evil Hydra King from Fudstantinople, rode into Smowlistan with his army. Doing what tyrants and centralizers do best, they went door-to-door to KYC and invoke fear. That’s when they saw Mrs. Kekeyan - the most beautiful specimen in the land. Of course, to truly demoralize the people, the King kidnapped her and brought her back to Fudstantinople. He threatened to burn the town to the ground if they fought back.

Immediately following this harrowing encounter, Kekeyan mobilized the entire village. Everyone turned from meme farmers into memenition manufacturers for the coming battle to save his love and matriarch of the people.

These weapons weren’t just your traditional tools of the time. The Tyrant King was ignorant of the vast Tungsten mines in the region. The Kekeyana people mobilized to make the most advanced weaponry of the time out of pure, cold forged, tungsten.

The day of rektening was here. It turned out to not only be a rescue mission, but also a mission of liberation. The Kekeyana stormed the Royal Palace with utmost ease and swiftly destroyed the Hydra King and his guards. They didn't stan a chance as they had no such defense against such density.

With the waifu now safe, the Kekeyana soldiers began their exfiltration plan, fully expecting another fight as they escaped. But when they walked out of the palace, they were met by thunderous applause from the people of Fudstantinople. Not only did they save love, but they liberated an entire country and restored power back to who should rightfully have it - the people.

The story of the Kekeyana is one history will never forget. A triumph and testament to love, density, family, frenship and the power of Kek.

KEK WIN$ EDITIONS collection image

'KEK WIN$ EDITIONS' is the Memenition Armory and Pepeganda Factory for the 1/1 collection titled 'KEK WIN$' found here.

Each KWE piece is made by the finest Kekruits (artists) from around the globe and are designed to help properly arm you in our coming Battle for Web3.

Throughout history, all fights for freedom were fought with arms and propaganda. Thanks to web3, those days are behind us. Together we will SEIZE & WEAPONIZE THE MEMES OF PRODUCTION for the good of humanity.

The Institutions never stood a chance.

Contract Address0x2da8...b975
Token ID15
Token StandardERC-1155
Last Updated1 year ago
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By DrSuss
By DrSuss

Many new comers to the way of the frog believe that The Prophecy of Kek has been fighting the institutions for just the last few years. But the Prophecy and fight is as old as time itself.

Where there are people and resources, there are those who will try and exploit them. Where there is love and frenship, there are those who will try to destroy it.

In ancient times, the Kekeyana peoples lived peacefully in the hill of Smowlistan. In this village, everyone was frens and humble meme farmers. The elder of the town, Kekeyan, had a stunning waifu, family, and siblings of his own. Life was sinple and gud.

One day, the notoriously evil Hydra King from Fudstantinople, rode into Smowlistan with his army. Doing what tyrants and centralizers do best, they went door-to-door to KYC and invoke fear. That’s when they saw Mrs. Kekeyan - the most beautiful specimen in the land. Of course, to truly demoralize the people, the King kidnapped her and brought her back to Fudstantinople. He threatened to burn the town to the ground if they fought back.

Immediately following this harrowing encounter, Kekeyan mobilized the entire village. Everyone turned from meme farmers into memenition manufacturers for the coming battle to save his love and matriarch of the people.

These weapons weren’t just your traditional tools of the time. The Tyrant King was ignorant of the vast Tungsten mines in the region. The Kekeyana people mobilized to make the most advanced weaponry of the time out of pure, cold forged, tungsten.

The day of rektening was here. It turned out to not only be a rescue mission, but also a mission of liberation. The Kekeyana stormed the Royal Palace with utmost ease and swiftly destroyed the Hydra King and his guards. They didn't stan a chance as they had no such defense against such density.

With the waifu now safe, the Kekeyana soldiers began their exfiltration plan, fully expecting another fight as they escaped. But when they walked out of the palace, they were met by thunderous applause from the people of Fudstantinople. Not only did they save love, but they liberated an entire country and restored power back to who should rightfully have it - the people.

The story of the Kekeyana is one history will never forget. A triumph and testament to love, density, family, frenship and the power of Kek.

KEK WIN$ EDITIONS collection image

'KEK WIN$ EDITIONS' is the Memenition Armory and Pepeganda Factory for the 1/1 collection titled 'KEK WIN$' found here.

Each KWE piece is made by the finest Kekruits (artists) from around the globe and are designed to help properly arm you in our coming Battle for Web3.

Throughout history, all fights for freedom were fought with arms and propaganda. Thanks to web3, those days are behind us. Together we will SEIZE & WEAPONIZE THE MEMES OF PRODUCTION for the good of humanity.

The Institutions never stood a chance.

Contract Address0x2da8...b975
Token ID15
Token StandardERC-1155
Last Updated1 year ago
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