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20% Mint, 5% royalties, 55 % Esports ORG to DAO combined with art that is never finished, only improved! We are the souls of space and a portal where powerful minds of Web3 and Gamers meet! We focus gaming because it is the fastest growing industry at the moment and Esports is the key to success for Web3. We value each failure as a great lesson that made us even stronger and now with all our gathered knowledge and experience we bring you Nebula Gods; a crazy concept with art out of this world that you haven't seen before and real utility that will bring countless benefits. We stand for sovereignty, truth, art, community, web3 and gamers. We will establish the first web 3 esports org and create the most powerful network yet seen in this space.

Nebula Gods collection image

SOLD OUT NEBULA GODS ARE THE KNOWING UNKNOWN. YOU ARE IN THE RIGHT PLACE, WE HAVE A WARM WELCOME FOR YOU! We are the souls of space and a portal where powerful minds of Web3 and Gamers meet! We focus gaming because it is the fastest growing industry at the moment and Esports is the key to success for Web3

A COLLECTION OF 2,500 UNIQUE GENERATIVE NFTS, 200 PURE HAND-DRAWN TRAITS AND 8 LEGENDARY 1/1’S WAITING TO FIND A LOYAL SOUL. Nebula Gods is here to create a new eco-system for Web3 enthusiasts combined with a powerful DAO & Community that will lead to success in the Gaming/Esports industry.We are designed by Mafia Room, a Clan of solid investors and a team supplied with boundless energy!

Category PFPs
Contract Address0x2cbb...b236
Token ID2387
Token StandardERC-721
Last Updated1 year ago
Creator Earnings

Nebula Gods #2387

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Nebula Gods #2387

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20% Mint, 5% royalties, 55 % Esports ORG to DAO combined with art that is never finished, only improved! We are the souls of space and a portal where powerful minds of Web3 and Gamers meet! We focus gaming because it is the fastest growing industry at the moment and Esports is the key to success for Web3. We value each failure as a great lesson that made us even stronger and now with all our gathered knowledge and experience we bring you Nebula Gods; a crazy concept with art out of this world that you haven't seen before and real utility that will bring countless benefits. We stand for sovereignty, truth, art, community, web3 and gamers. We will establish the first web 3 esports org and create the most powerful network yet seen in this space.

Nebula Gods collection image

SOLD OUT NEBULA GODS ARE THE KNOWING UNKNOWN. YOU ARE IN THE RIGHT PLACE, WE HAVE A WARM WELCOME FOR YOU! We are the souls of space and a portal where powerful minds of Web3 and Gamers meet! We focus gaming because it is the fastest growing industry at the moment and Esports is the key to success for Web3

A COLLECTION OF 2,500 UNIQUE GENERATIVE NFTS, 200 PURE HAND-DRAWN TRAITS AND 8 LEGENDARY 1/1’S WAITING TO FIND A LOYAL SOUL. Nebula Gods is here to create a new eco-system for Web3 enthusiasts combined with a powerful DAO & Community that will lead to success in the Gaming/Esports industry.We are designed by Mafia Room, a Clan of solid investors and a team supplied with boundless energy!

Category PFPs
Contract Address0x2cbb...b236
Token ID2387
Token StandardERC-721
Last Updated1 year ago
Creator Earnings