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Can you introduce yourself? Maybe tell us a little about your background with technology and how you became interested in Ethereum?

Your github name is q9f. What is the history behind that?

What were the successes of Schelsi and what issues were discovered?

Can you describe the Testnet roadmap for Ethereum, including Client testnets, multiclient testnets, and where Witti and Schlesi fall on this continuum?

Do you think the timeline (based on your recent timeline tweet) is still the case after Schelsi? When will the true multiclient testnet launch?

Will there be multiple tests of genesis blocks?

In terms of project management, how has coordinating with the different clients been?

What are the biggest challenges right now to launching a successful Multi-client Testnet on Ethereum?

Do you think there is more the community can do to help towards multiclient development? In general, what areas do you think could be improved upon to help with a successful launch (e.g. more resources, more client team involvement, communication, changing parts of the spec, etc.)

I felt it was difficult for some stakers to get involved with Schlesi. To date, most users only have experience staking on Topaz. What are your hopes in terms of community involvement with Witti?

Without going into the back story, You were originally part of creating the Goerli testnet and also helping Parity and then took a hiatus from Ethereum. What made you decide to come back? What what were the conversations like to help bring you back? Was there something that acted as a catalyst to your decision?

What are your hopes with Witti and what do you need to see in future testnets before the multi client testnet?

To someone who is maybe not as technically savvy, why not launch multiple instances of Witti (e.g. Witti 2, Witti 3, etc.) at once or have the next Multi-client testnet start while Witti is still running in order to iterate more quickly?

What are your general thoughts on the spec or design of ETH2 and how it compares with other PoS blockchain platforms?

Are you going to be staking on mainnet? why or why not?

Do you have a favourite client right now?

POAP collection image

The Proof of Attendance Protocol

Category Art
Contract Address0x22c1...b415
Token ID11646
Token StandardERC-721
Creator Earnings

Ethereum Stakers Community Call #6

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Ethereum Stakers Community Call #6

  • Price
    USD Price
  • Price
    USD Price
    Floor Difference

Can you introduce yourself? Maybe tell us a little about your background with technology and how you became interested in Ethereum?

Your github name is q9f. What is the history behind that?

What were the successes of Schelsi and what issues were discovered?

Can you describe the Testnet roadmap for Ethereum, including Client testnets, multiclient testnets, and where Witti and Schlesi fall on this continuum?

Do you think the timeline (based on your recent timeline tweet) is still the case after Schelsi? When will the true multiclient testnet launch?

Will there be multiple tests of genesis blocks?

In terms of project management, how has coordinating with the different clients been?

What are the biggest challenges right now to launching a successful Multi-client Testnet on Ethereum?

Do you think there is more the community can do to help towards multiclient development? In general, what areas do you think could be improved upon to help with a successful launch (e.g. more resources, more client team involvement, communication, changing parts of the spec, etc.)

I felt it was difficult for some stakers to get involved with Schlesi. To date, most users only have experience staking on Topaz. What are your hopes in terms of community involvement with Witti?

Without going into the back story, You were originally part of creating the Goerli testnet and also helping Parity and then took a hiatus from Ethereum. What made you decide to come back? What what were the conversations like to help bring you back? Was there something that acted as a catalyst to your decision?

What are your hopes with Witti and what do you need to see in future testnets before the multi client testnet?

To someone who is maybe not as technically savvy, why not launch multiple instances of Witti (e.g. Witti 2, Witti 3, etc.) at once or have the next Multi-client testnet start while Witti is still running in order to iterate more quickly?

What are your general thoughts on the spec or design of ETH2 and how it compares with other PoS blockchain platforms?

Are you going to be staking on mainnet? why or why not?

Do you have a favourite client right now?

POAP collection image

The Proof of Attendance Protocol

Category Art
Contract Address0x22c1...b415
Token ID11646
Token StandardERC-721
Creator Earnings