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Once upon a time, there were two brothers named Kaito and Tatsuo. They were inseparable and did everything together, even down to the clothes they wore. They both had grey hair, a sign of wisdom, and often dressed in beige sweaters to symbolize their unity. However, their most unusual feature was their AI generated hands, which were always tangled together as if they were forever playing a game.

One day, as they were walking down the street, they noticed people staring at their hands. They were used to it by now, but today it felt different. A young boy approached them and asked, "Excuse me, why are your hands like that?" Kaito and Tatsuo smiled at each other, knowing exactly what to say. "Our hands are a symbol of our unbreakable bond," they explained. "No matter what happens, we will always be connected."

The boy was fascinated and asked if he could try. Kaito and Tatsuo intertwined their hands with his and the three of them stood there, smiling. The boy felt a warmth spread through him, as if he was part of their special bond.

Years went by and Kaito and Tatsuo's bond only grew stronger. They continued to wear beige sweaters and their hands were always intertwined. People would come from far and wide to see them, to feel the power of their bond and to experience the warmth that came from their intertwined hands.

Eventually, an artist came across the brothers and was inspired by their story. They created an artwork of the two of them, titled "Quit Playing Games with My Hands". The artwork became famous and was displayed in galleries all over the world. People would admire it and be reminded of the power of love and friendship.

Kaito and Tatsuo continued to walk the streets, hand in hand, spreading love and joy wherever they went. They were a symbol of what was possible when two people were connected at the heart. Their story and their artwork would inspire generations to come, reminding people of the beauty of love, unity and the unbreakable bond of family.

This 1/1 cover will be provided as both a digital and physical copy.

The NFT Yearbook 1/1 Cover Collection collection image

We’re co-writing the first-ever chronicling of this space as an NFT & a physical coffee table book, with the community. The NFT Yearbook is a highly collectible, 3D digital readable that comes with a physical 420-page, 6.9 lbs coffee table book featuring over 550 artists, collectors, founders, creators, and the community.

To date, we have reached over 750 hrs (!!!) of recorded interviews, from over 550 participants, chronicling the web3 narrative from the eyes of those building it.

Link to participants list on Twitter:

Artist 1 of 1's All artists in the Yearbook were able to make a 1:1 cover, which will be auctioned off on the NFTYB SuperRare profile, with 100% of sales going to the artists. There are over 70 artists in the collection.

Printing will start right after the reveal of the 9,669 collection and distribution is at the end of ~Q2 2023.

Contract Address0x1e3e...9152
Token ID27
Token StandardERC-721
Last Updated1 year ago
Creator Earnings

Quit Playing Games with my Hands

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Quit Playing Games with my Hands

1 view
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  • Price
    USD Price
    Floor Difference

Once upon a time, there were two brothers named Kaito and Tatsuo. They were inseparable and did everything together, even down to the clothes they wore. They both had grey hair, a sign of wisdom, and often dressed in beige sweaters to symbolize their unity. However, their most unusual feature was their AI generated hands, which were always tangled together as if they were forever playing a game.

One day, as they were walking down the street, they noticed people staring at their hands. They were used to it by now, but today it felt different. A young boy approached them and asked, "Excuse me, why are your hands like that?" Kaito and Tatsuo smiled at each other, knowing exactly what to say. "Our hands are a symbol of our unbreakable bond," they explained. "No matter what happens, we will always be connected."

The boy was fascinated and asked if he could try. Kaito and Tatsuo intertwined their hands with his and the three of them stood there, smiling. The boy felt a warmth spread through him, as if he was part of their special bond.

Years went by and Kaito and Tatsuo's bond only grew stronger. They continued to wear beige sweaters and their hands were always intertwined. People would come from far and wide to see them, to feel the power of their bond and to experience the warmth that came from their intertwined hands.

Eventually, an artist came across the brothers and was inspired by their story. They created an artwork of the two of them, titled "Quit Playing Games with My Hands". The artwork became famous and was displayed in galleries all over the world. People would admire it and be reminded of the power of love and friendship.

Kaito and Tatsuo continued to walk the streets, hand in hand, spreading love and joy wherever they went. They were a symbol of what was possible when two people were connected at the heart. Their story and their artwork would inspire generations to come, reminding people of the beauty of love, unity and the unbreakable bond of family.

This 1/1 cover will be provided as both a digital and physical copy.

The NFT Yearbook 1/1 Cover Collection collection image

We’re co-writing the first-ever chronicling of this space as an NFT & a physical coffee table book, with the community. The NFT Yearbook is a highly collectible, 3D digital readable that comes with a physical 420-page, 6.9 lbs coffee table book featuring over 550 artists, collectors, founders, creators, and the community.

To date, we have reached over 750 hrs (!!!) of recorded interviews, from over 550 participants, chronicling the web3 narrative from the eyes of those building it.

Link to participants list on Twitter:

Artist 1 of 1's All artists in the Yearbook were able to make a 1:1 cover, which will be auctioned off on the NFTYB SuperRare profile, with 100% of sales going to the artists. There are over 70 artists in the collection.

Printing will start right after the reveal of the 9,669 collection and distribution is at the end of ~Q2 2023.

Contract Address0x1e3e...9152
Token ID27
Token StandardERC-721
Last Updated1 year ago
Creator Earnings