If Noh were to be performed in its traditional form, which is derived from Kagura, it would take from morning to night. On the other hand, people today are short on time, connected to the world available to them in two seconds via a smartphone in the palm of their hand.
Tom Kawada / AR3Bros. / TOKYO After working for a manufacturer for ten years and engaging in patent development, he became the eldest son of the AR Three Brothers development unit. He is currently working on “INNOVATION WORLD” on J-WAVE, and a development documentary “AR Three Brothers’ Wonderful World Part 5” will be broadcast on BS Fuji in 2022. He is a regular contributor to WIRED and the author of two books, “Augmented Reality” and “AR Three Brothers’ Proposal”.
Noh -Music, Noh-Life
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If Noh were to be performed in its traditional form, which is derived from Kagura, it would take from morning to night. On the other hand, people today are short on time, connected to the world available to them in two seconds via a smartphone in the palm of their hand.
Tom Kawada / AR3Bros. / TOKYO After working for a manufacturer for ten years and engaging in patent development, he became the eldest son of the AR Three Brothers development unit. He is currently working on “INNOVATION WORLD” on J-WAVE, and a development documentary “AR Three Brothers’ Wonderful World Part 5” will be broadcast on BS Fuji in 2022. He is a regular contributor to WIRED and the author of two books, “Augmented Reality” and “AR Three Brothers’ Proposal”.