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Vesi-Shara was the youngest daughter of the great builder Katrokus and his wife Inerci who was the inventor of electricity. Historians differ on how best to understand this claim, but most scholars agree that Inerci must have been instrumental in teaching ancient civilizations how to harness electric current. Katrokus and Inerci had two other children, their firstborn son Lakas who is called the Strength of the Lost Way, and Ora-Sah their middle daughter who is called The Void Who Touches All.

The memory of the Neon Pantheon has been kept alive for millennia by the Voice of Shadow. This secret order is all but unknown to history, and it is only thru their timeless effort that the shreds of information regarding the Genesis Deities has been preserved from complete destruction. The great library of Alexandria was rumored to contain over 4,000 volumes of historical texts detailing these great beings who were known to be present and active long before the civilization who created the pyramids which the Egyptians would later discover. These priceless texts were lost when the library was burned. There were also countless volumes of Genesis Deity history lost during the burning of the Xianyang state archives in 206 BC, and it is rumored that the last publicly held knowledge was lost when The Imperial Library of Constantinople was burned in 1204. However, some shreds of history were rescued and kept by the Voice of Shadow, it is from these rescued texts that we learn of a wonderous Genesis Deity known in the long-forgotten depths of history as Vesi-Shara, The One Who Talks With Water.

As with many ancient myths, it is believed that Genesis Deities were actual beings who existed in ancient history, over time their lives and exploits became legends passed down thru the ages. We will never know exactly who these beings were, or where they came from. All we can know is what we glean from ancient texts that have escaped the ravages of history, and this knowledge is what follows:

Vesi-Shara, also known as Vesisu Voda in some texts, is reported to have been gifted with incredible wisdom and intuition. Vesi-Shara has a profound affinity for water. She embodies water’s ability to take the shape of any situation, and possess incredible strength coupled with unrivaled flexibility. She was often sought out to mediate and dispense judgement. Leaders of nations came to her for aid, it is said that her guidance avoided multiple wars.

Vesi-Shara is a Deity closely associated with nature, and water. She is the god of waterfalls in some ancient societies. Vesi-Shara used and valued nature in her work and is remembered in contrast to her father Katrokus who attempted to bend nature to his will. Vesi-Shara on the other hand, incorporated nature and its beauty and power into her building projects, with spectacular results. Her gardens were known throughout the world as creations of unrivaled beauty and ingenuity. She was a gifted botanist and is said to have created flowers. There is evidence that she used unknown technology to create new species of plants; this may explain why her gardens were famous. Her building projects were legendary and not confined to gardens. She is credited with creating massive hydro-electric facilities which powered multiple cities, and there is one text which seems to indicate that she was instrumental in creating a working cold fusion reactor, however, this manuscript is badly burned, and some scholars are doubtful as to the correct translation.

The only image we have of Vesi-Shara is a bone carving depicting her shrine which was discovered in the ruins of Constantinople; the carving is burned but many features can still be recognized.

We see Vesi-Shara wearing the traditional scholars hood and robe which symbolizes her devotion and love of learning. She holds her right had to her face in a meditative pose, the right hand being a symbol of love and acceptance. We see her seated in what appears to be a flower, most likely one of her own creations which has since become extinct. She is flanked by bamboo and surrounded by water showing her love of nature and her affinity to water. There is a floating platform in front of her holding a smoking vessel. Based on other texts regarding the Genesis Deities, this is an instrument used in official ceremonies as well as private times of meditation. The vessel could be used to dispense fragrant smoke, there are also indications that it could sometimes contain hallucinogenic compounds. Finally, in the background there is a giant pyramid with a sun rising over the east side. This symbolizes Vesi-Shara’s incredible feats of architecture; there are texts which seem to indicate that she was instrumental in creating the technology for constructing giant pyramids. The sun rising over the east side is a symbol of dawn which means new life and new possibilities. This is a symbol of openness to new ideas and the embrace of new challenges and opportunities.

Neon Pantheon Genesis collection image

Neon Pantheon is building PNTHN, the Professional network for the NFT space. The team behind Neon Pantheon have founded several startups with 1 million+ users and are fully doxxed.

Owning a Genesis Deity will give you lifetime access to the Genesis membership on the PNTHN network.

Category PFPs
Contract Address0x0510...d99e
Token ID94
Token StandardERC-721
Last Updated2 years ago
Creator Earnings

Vesi-Shara, The One Who Talks With Water

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Vesi-Shara, The One Who Talks With Water

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Vesi-Shara was the youngest daughter of the great builder Katrokus and his wife Inerci who was the inventor of electricity. Historians differ on how best to understand this claim, but most scholars agree that Inerci must have been instrumental in teaching ancient civilizations how to harness electric current. Katrokus and Inerci had two other children, their firstborn son Lakas who is called the Strength of the Lost Way, and Ora-Sah their middle daughter who is called The Void Who Touches All.

The memory of the Neon Pantheon has been kept alive for millennia by the Voice of Shadow. This secret order is all but unknown to history, and it is only thru their timeless effort that the shreds of information regarding the Genesis Deities has been preserved from complete destruction. The great library of Alexandria was rumored to contain over 4,000 volumes of historical texts detailing these great beings who were known to be present and active long before the civilization who created the pyramids which the Egyptians would later discover. These priceless texts were lost when the library was burned. There were also countless volumes of Genesis Deity history lost during the burning of the Xianyang state archives in 206 BC, and it is rumored that the last publicly held knowledge was lost when The Imperial Library of Constantinople was burned in 1204. However, some shreds of history were rescued and kept by the Voice of Shadow, it is from these rescued texts that we learn of a wonderous Genesis Deity known in the long-forgotten depths of history as Vesi-Shara, The One Who Talks With Water.

As with many ancient myths, it is believed that Genesis Deities were actual beings who existed in ancient history, over time their lives and exploits became legends passed down thru the ages. We will never know exactly who these beings were, or where they came from. All we can know is what we glean from ancient texts that have escaped the ravages of history, and this knowledge is what follows:

Vesi-Shara, also known as Vesisu Voda in some texts, is reported to have been gifted with incredible wisdom and intuition. Vesi-Shara has a profound affinity for water. She embodies water’s ability to take the shape of any situation, and possess incredible strength coupled with unrivaled flexibility. She was often sought out to mediate and dispense judgement. Leaders of nations came to her for aid, it is said that her guidance avoided multiple wars.

Vesi-Shara is a Deity closely associated with nature, and water. She is the god of waterfalls in some ancient societies. Vesi-Shara used and valued nature in her work and is remembered in contrast to her father Katrokus who attempted to bend nature to his will. Vesi-Shara on the other hand, incorporated nature and its beauty and power into her building projects, with spectacular results. Her gardens were known throughout the world as creations of unrivaled beauty and ingenuity. She was a gifted botanist and is said to have created flowers. There is evidence that she used unknown technology to create new species of plants; this may explain why her gardens were famous. Her building projects were legendary and not confined to gardens. She is credited with creating massive hydro-electric facilities which powered multiple cities, and there is one text which seems to indicate that she was instrumental in creating a working cold fusion reactor, however, this manuscript is badly burned, and some scholars are doubtful as to the correct translation.

The only image we have of Vesi-Shara is a bone carving depicting her shrine which was discovered in the ruins of Constantinople; the carving is burned but many features can still be recognized.

We see Vesi-Shara wearing the traditional scholars hood and robe which symbolizes her devotion and love of learning. She holds her right had to her face in a meditative pose, the right hand being a symbol of love and acceptance. We see her seated in what appears to be a flower, most likely one of her own creations which has since become extinct. She is flanked by bamboo and surrounded by water showing her love of nature and her affinity to water. There is a floating platform in front of her holding a smoking vessel. Based on other texts regarding the Genesis Deities, this is an instrument used in official ceremonies as well as private times of meditation. The vessel could be used to dispense fragrant smoke, there are also indications that it could sometimes contain hallucinogenic compounds. Finally, in the background there is a giant pyramid with a sun rising over the east side. This symbolizes Vesi-Shara’s incredible feats of architecture; there are texts which seem to indicate that she was instrumental in creating the technology for constructing giant pyramids. The sun rising over the east side is a symbol of dawn which means new life and new possibilities. This is a symbol of openness to new ideas and the embrace of new challenges and opportunities.

Neon Pantheon Genesis collection image

Neon Pantheon is building PNTHN, the Professional network for the NFT space. The team behind Neon Pantheon have founded several startups with 1 million+ users and are fully doxxed.

Owning a Genesis Deity will give you lifetime access to the Genesis membership on the PNTHN network.

Category PFPs
Contract Address0x0510...d99e
Token ID94
Token StandardERC-721
Last Updated2 years ago
Creator Earnings