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artist: cari ann shim sham*

series: green goddess tara self portrait project

title: 6. the carnivorous demon of doubt


a three year exploration of self portraiture by someone who doesn't like being photographed. influenced by green tara goddess meditations 2017-2020

Green Tara Who Protects from the Eight Great Fears

Tara of the Khadira Forest is the main deity who is considered to give protection from the eight great fears.

The eight great fears are considered to have an outer aspect such as lions, elephants, etc. and an inner aspect, the mental defilements they represent. While the outer fears, or dangers, threaten our life or property, the inner ones endanger us spiritually by obstructing or turning us away from the path to enlightenment.

The eight great fears:

1 Water or drowning representing attachment; Tara who protects from fear of Water

mask attached

a green tara goddess meditation on the attachment of the mask.

fear of water or drowning; the suffering of attachment.

number one of the eight great fears.

2 Thieves representing false views; Tara who protects from fear of Thieves

i am the mountain

a green tara goddess meditation on being the mountain.

a fear of thieves, suffering through false views.

number two of the eight great fears.

3 Lions representing pride; Tara who protects from fear of Lions

living with lions

a green tara goddess meditation on living with lions.

fear of lions, suffering by pride.

fear number three of the eight great fears.

4 Snakes or serpents representing jealousy; Tara who protects from fear of Snakes

self initiation

a green tara goddess meditation on initiating the serpents of the self.

a fear of serpents, suffering through jealousy.

fear number four of the eight great fears.

5 Fire representing anger; Tara who protects from fear of Fire

holding fire

a green tara goddess meditation on holding fire.

fear of fire, suffering of holding on to anger.

number five of the eight great fears

6 Spirits or flesh-eating demons representing doubt; Tara who protects from fear of Flesh-eating demons

the carnivorous demon of doubt

a green tara goddess meditation on the carniviorous demons of doubt.

fear of of flesh-eating demons, suffering through doubt.

the sixth of the eight great fears.

7 Captivity or imprisonment representing greed; Tara who protects from fear of Imprisonment

embracing the cage

a green tara goddess meditation on the captivity of greed.

fear of captivity, suffering through imprisonment of greed.

number seven of the eight great fears.

8 Elephants representing ignorance; Tara who protects from fear of Elephants

head in the fish

a green tara goddess meditation on the head swallowed by a fish.

fear of elephants, suffering through ignorance.

fear number eight of the eight great fears.

Another way to think of them is to consider the flood of attachment, the thieves of wrong views, the lion of pride, the snakes of jealousy, the fire of anger, the carnivorous demon of doubt, the chains of miserliness or greed, and the elephant of ignorance

This work was exhibited in the Museum of Wild and Newfangled Art's Opening Show which took place from January 8 through April 29, 2021. The exhibition included work such as a mini zoom Opera, Jazz Bass Quartet, Interactive Multimedia, a variety of Dance Films, an Interactive Poetry Generator, Experimental Photographs, Video Art, Gifs, Computer Generated Artwork, Animated 360 video, and a live performance. The show has been added to mowna's collection, which is available for viewing online at

The winner of this auction will receive a 1/1 limited edition NFT, minted by the museum. 70% of the sale will pay the artist of the NFT for their work, with the remaining 30% paying for the creation of the museum platform. The winner will also unlock a free one month membership code for the museum.

Museum of Wild and Newfangled Art Opening Show collection image

The Opening Show which ran from January 8 through April 29, 2021 includes work such as a mini zoom Opera, Jazz Bass Quartet, Interactive Multimedia, a variety of Dance Films, an Interactive Poetry Generator, Experimental Photographs, Video Art, Gifs, Computer Generated Artwork, Animated 360 video, and an archived live performance. It featured Xavier Camarillo, clitter, Virginie Combet, Angie Moon Conte, Dolphin Dance Project, Munro Ferguson, Maxine Flasher-Düzgüneş, Mark Freeman, Jason Garcia, Mary Hale, Adi Halfan, Benjamin Harley, Alex Hass, Chisa Hidaka, @hmmworldview, Troy Kelley, Deborah Kelly, Siori Kitajima, Maria Lantin, Jade Lien, Rachael Lincoln, Nitsan Margaliot, Joseph Minadeo, Opera on Tap, Aly Ostovar, Simon Overstall, David Roussève, Amelia Rudolph, Alfredo Salomón, Kamala Sankaram, Kristen Lauth Shaeffer, cari ann shim sham*, Siddiquie, Jody Sperling, The BASS QUARTET (Ran Livneh, Scott Colberg, Michael Montgomery, Ari Folman-Cohen), Jamie Woollard, Mimi Yin, Joey Zaza

Contract Address0x495f...7b5e
Token ID
Token StandardERC-1155
Creator Earnings

the carnivorous demon of doubt by cari ann shim sham*

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the carnivorous demon of doubt by cari ann shim sham*

  • Price
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  • Price
    USD Price
    Floor Difference

artist: cari ann shim sham*

series: green goddess tara self portrait project

title: 6. the carnivorous demon of doubt


a three year exploration of self portraiture by someone who doesn't like being photographed. influenced by green tara goddess meditations 2017-2020

Green Tara Who Protects from the Eight Great Fears

Tara of the Khadira Forest is the main deity who is considered to give protection from the eight great fears.

The eight great fears are considered to have an outer aspect such as lions, elephants, etc. and an inner aspect, the mental defilements they represent. While the outer fears, or dangers, threaten our life or property, the inner ones endanger us spiritually by obstructing or turning us away from the path to enlightenment.

The eight great fears:

1 Water or drowning representing attachment; Tara who protects from fear of Water

mask attached

a green tara goddess meditation on the attachment of the mask.

fear of water or drowning; the suffering of attachment.

number one of the eight great fears.

2 Thieves representing false views; Tara who protects from fear of Thieves

i am the mountain

a green tara goddess meditation on being the mountain.

a fear of thieves, suffering through false views.

number two of the eight great fears.

3 Lions representing pride; Tara who protects from fear of Lions

living with lions

a green tara goddess meditation on living with lions.

fear of lions, suffering by pride.

fear number three of the eight great fears.

4 Snakes or serpents representing jealousy; Tara who protects from fear of Snakes

self initiation

a green tara goddess meditation on initiating the serpents of the self.

a fear of serpents, suffering through jealousy.

fear number four of the eight great fears.

5 Fire representing anger; Tara who protects from fear of Fire

holding fire

a green tara goddess meditation on holding fire.

fear of fire, suffering of holding on to anger.

number five of the eight great fears

6 Spirits or flesh-eating demons representing doubt; Tara who protects from fear of Flesh-eating demons

the carnivorous demon of doubt

a green tara goddess meditation on the carniviorous demons of doubt.

fear of of flesh-eating demons, suffering through doubt.

the sixth of the eight great fears.

7 Captivity or imprisonment representing greed; Tara who protects from fear of Imprisonment

embracing the cage

a green tara goddess meditation on the captivity of greed.

fear of captivity, suffering through imprisonment of greed.

number seven of the eight great fears.

8 Elephants representing ignorance; Tara who protects from fear of Elephants

head in the fish

a green tara goddess meditation on the head swallowed by a fish.

fear of elephants, suffering through ignorance.

fear number eight of the eight great fears.

Another way to think of them is to consider the flood of attachment, the thieves of wrong views, the lion of pride, the snakes of jealousy, the fire of anger, the carnivorous demon of doubt, the chains of miserliness or greed, and the elephant of ignorance

This work was exhibited in the Museum of Wild and Newfangled Art's Opening Show which took place from January 8 through April 29, 2021. The exhibition included work such as a mini zoom Opera, Jazz Bass Quartet, Interactive Multimedia, a variety of Dance Films, an Interactive Poetry Generator, Experimental Photographs, Video Art, Gifs, Computer Generated Artwork, Animated 360 video, and a live performance. The show has been added to mowna's collection, which is available for viewing online at

The winner of this auction will receive a 1/1 limited edition NFT, minted by the museum. 70% of the sale will pay the artist of the NFT for their work, with the remaining 30% paying for the creation of the museum platform. The winner will also unlock a free one month membership code for the museum.

Museum of Wild and Newfangled Art Opening Show collection image

The Opening Show which ran from January 8 through April 29, 2021 includes work such as a mini zoom Opera, Jazz Bass Quartet, Interactive Multimedia, a variety of Dance Films, an Interactive Poetry Generator, Experimental Photographs, Video Art, Gifs, Computer Generated Artwork, Animated 360 video, and an archived live performance. It featured Xavier Camarillo, clitter, Virginie Combet, Angie Moon Conte, Dolphin Dance Project, Munro Ferguson, Maxine Flasher-Düzgüneş, Mark Freeman, Jason Garcia, Mary Hale, Adi Halfan, Benjamin Harley, Alex Hass, Chisa Hidaka, @hmmworldview, Troy Kelley, Deborah Kelly, Siori Kitajima, Maria Lantin, Jade Lien, Rachael Lincoln, Nitsan Margaliot, Joseph Minadeo, Opera on Tap, Aly Ostovar, Simon Overstall, David Roussève, Amelia Rudolph, Alfredo Salomón, Kamala Sankaram, Kristen Lauth Shaeffer, cari ann shim sham*, Siddiquie, Jody Sperling, The BASS QUARTET (Ran Livneh, Scott Colberg, Michael Montgomery, Ari Folman-Cohen), Jamie Woollard, Mimi Yin, Joey Zaza

Contract Address0x495f...7b5e
Token ID
Token StandardERC-1155
Creator Earnings