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By R__L
By R__L

"Land! Land and life and dung and sand! We’re still a day from what may be termed civilisation, but at least we are done with that bobbing and menacing current. I’ve not been right since the captain told me his little story and was all too pleased to say goodbye and leave him to moor his vessel. The rest of the journey to a satisfactory bed would be, gracefully, on foot, and even better, not my feet. I would like to introduce (enter stage left) Carasco the camel, my grumpy and nosey steed with farts like a cannon. He came from a small stables by the dock where a caravan was resting while the worst of the sun has its way with the world.

Over a few small dunes was revealed the breathtakingly flat expanse of a desert, its serene beauty interrupted by the odd shrub or small rocky patch, calmly stretching out to the horizon. The wind lazily swept the yellow-red floor with a light brush every now and then, maintaining a steady listing flux in the otherwise eternal environment. The effortless sense of wonder is brought to gobsmacking awe by the most enormous cliffs what must be a hundred miles away. They seem to tumble and attack the horizon like knives or jagged shards of glass protruding from the Earth. The heat haze wrought by the desert obscures where they meet the world. Scale has lost all meaning to me now I must tell you. Sitting on Carasco I feel like a dust mite staring up from my study carpet back home." - RL

With the NFT comes a 1K GIF, 2K square hovering postcard video, 4K square still image (from both sides) and full res artwork image (3840 x 1800).

The rl_wrld is a project by artist Robin Leverton to craft a story from digital landscape artworks, and to share each chapter as postcards minted as NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) on the Ethereum blockchain. Go to to find out more.

rl_wrld: Chapter One collection image

An explorer sets out beyond the comfort of his own reality, to satiate his wanderlust with a world that is eternal and new, ever-changing and timeless. It is a place that promises everything and guarantees nothing.

Inspired by the works of Douglas Adams, Terry Pratchett, Simon Stålenhag, and many more, the rl_wrld is an illustrated tale of adventure in a digital epoch.

The rl_wrld is a project by artist Robin Leverton to craft a story from digital landscape artworks, and to share each chapter as postcards minted as NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) on the Ethereum blockchain.

Read the whole story here:

Contract Address0x495f...7b5e
Token ID
Token StandardERC-1155
Creator Earnings

The Lonely Caravan

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    Floor Difference

The Lonely Caravan

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  • Price
    USD Price
    Floor Difference
By R__L
By R__L

"Land! Land and life and dung and sand! We’re still a day from what may be termed civilisation, but at least we are done with that bobbing and menacing current. I’ve not been right since the captain told me his little story and was all too pleased to say goodbye and leave him to moor his vessel. The rest of the journey to a satisfactory bed would be, gracefully, on foot, and even better, not my feet. I would like to introduce (enter stage left) Carasco the camel, my grumpy and nosey steed with farts like a cannon. He came from a small stables by the dock where a caravan was resting while the worst of the sun has its way with the world.

Over a few small dunes was revealed the breathtakingly flat expanse of a desert, its serene beauty interrupted by the odd shrub or small rocky patch, calmly stretching out to the horizon. The wind lazily swept the yellow-red floor with a light brush every now and then, maintaining a steady listing flux in the otherwise eternal environment. The effortless sense of wonder is brought to gobsmacking awe by the most enormous cliffs what must be a hundred miles away. They seem to tumble and attack the horizon like knives or jagged shards of glass protruding from the Earth. The heat haze wrought by the desert obscures where they meet the world. Scale has lost all meaning to me now I must tell you. Sitting on Carasco I feel like a dust mite staring up from my study carpet back home." - RL

With the NFT comes a 1K GIF, 2K square hovering postcard video, 4K square still image (from both sides) and full res artwork image (3840 x 1800).

The rl_wrld is a project by artist Robin Leverton to craft a story from digital landscape artworks, and to share each chapter as postcards minted as NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) on the Ethereum blockchain. Go to to find out more.

rl_wrld: Chapter One collection image

An explorer sets out beyond the comfort of his own reality, to satiate his wanderlust with a world that is eternal and new, ever-changing and timeless. It is a place that promises everything and guarantees nothing.

Inspired by the works of Douglas Adams, Terry Pratchett, Simon Stålenhag, and many more, the rl_wrld is an illustrated tale of adventure in a digital epoch.

The rl_wrld is a project by artist Robin Leverton to craft a story from digital landscape artworks, and to share each chapter as postcards minted as NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) on the Ethereum blockchain.

Read the whole story here:

Contract Address0x495f...7b5e
Token ID
Token StandardERC-1155
Creator Earnings