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Joined October 2021
Joined October 2021

Independent. Journalism and NFTs? Like art? Yes. They are all value objects that make us reflect on our common reality.

Independent. Journalism and NFTs? Like art? Yes. They are all value objects that make us reflect on our common reality.

Independent. Journalism and NFTs? Like art? Yes. They are all value objects that make us reflect on our common reality.

Independent. Journalism and NFTs? Like art? Yes. They are all value objects that make us reflect on our common reality.

Independent. Journalism and NFTs? Like art? Yes. They are all value objects that make us reflect on our common reality.

Independent. Journalism and NFTs? Like art? Yes. They are all value objects that make us reflect on our common reality.

Independent. Journalism and NFTs? Like art? Yes. They are all value objects that make us reflect on our common reality.

Independent. Journalism and NFTs? Like art? Yes. They are all value objects that make us reflect on our common reality.
