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Joined January 2022
Joined January 2022

Stefania Tejada (1990) is a Colombian artist based in Paris. Her work explores the concepts of power, humanity, nature, and culture.

Stefania Tejada (1990) is a Colombian artist based in Paris. Her work explores the concepts of power, humanity, nature, and culture.

Stefania Tejada (1990) is a Colombian artist based in Paris. Her work explores the concepts of power, humanity, nature, and culture.

Stefania Tejada (1990) is a Colombian artist based in Paris. Her work explores the concepts of power, humanity, nature, and culture.

Stefania Tejada (1990) is a Colombian artist based in Paris. Her work explores the concepts of power, humanity, nature, and culture.

Stefania Tejada (1990) is a Colombian artist based in Paris. Her work explores the concepts of power, humanity, nature, and culture.

Stefania Tejada (1990) is a Colombian artist based in Paris. Her work explores the concepts of power, humanity, nature, and culture.

Stefania Tejada (1990) is a Colombian artist based in Paris. Her work explores the concepts of power, humanity, nature, and culture.

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