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Joined February 2021
Joined February 2021

Hi! I’m a generative artist who is interested in solving problems, creating gen art and data vis, understanding biology and philosophy.

Hi! I’m a generative artist who is interested in solving problems, creating gen art and data vis, understanding biology and philosophy.

Hi! I’m a generative artist who is interested in solving problems, creating gen art and data vis, understanding biology and philosophy.

Hi! I’m a generative artist who is interested in solving problems, creating gen art and data vis, understanding biology and philosophy.

Hi! I’m a generative artist who is interested in solving problems, creating gen art and data vis, understanding biology and philosophy.

Hi! I’m a generative artist who is interested in solving problems, creating gen art and data vis, understanding biology and philosophy.

Hi! I’m a generative artist who is interested in solving problems, creating gen art and data vis, understanding biology and philosophy.

Hi! I’m a generative artist who is interested in solving problems, creating gen art and data vis, understanding biology and philosophy.

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