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Limited edition collection (365 DAYS) written beginning 03.14.2020.

I didn't plan to compile this body of work to a particular agenda, but I felt compelled to keep the ball rolling after I spontaneously posted “Day One” to my FB page for a small group of my friends. I was scared to stop since after a lifetime of writing and creating art, I was unaware of how static my life had become. I was born again inside the chaos of a pandemic.

I wrote these every night on the date listed without exception—never in advance. I would write a rough draft, edit it once, then post. I would do one more edit either immediately or the next day for blatant grammatical errors. It's the first serial writing I’ve ever done. Since I wasn't offering an entire “book” at once, I made references to past days (i.e., see DAY XX) so the reader could go back and reference that which I referred to. Please forgive any spelling or grammatical errors.

These tokens are my chronicle of Year One of the new age.

Mar 2021
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