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I drew a circle. The circles look different. This was amazing. I kept drawing circles. There is a circle outside the circle. There is a circle in the circle. One circle has one core. Circles send and receive signals. The circles are connected. Something appeared in the circle. I called it “Tokki”. There are new shapes, parts, and spaces. And the story unfolded. I've developed ways to record this story. I called this Tokki language. I'm making a Tokki book in Tokki language. "Tokki" means rabbit in Korean. It's circle world up there. It's the real world down there. The two worlds are connected by small dots. The two worlds give and take signals. Tokki came to the middle world. Here, Tokki shows two eyes. Close the right eye, open the Left eye. Close the Left eye and open the right eye. Tokki repeats winking. Tokki connects signals from two worlds. Tokki became a wink Tokki.

1998-2021, Tokki book. 10,000 pages

Hong Hak Soon.

Mar 2021
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