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Ukiyo-e RE:generation Project

The Ukiyo-e RE:generation Project is aimed at regenerating the traditional Japanese great works by leading-edge AI technology. Ukiyo-e is one of the Japanese painting genres which were popularized and flourished in the Edo Period. Ukiyo-e was mostly made from woodblock prints, which were easy to publish many copies then. Ukiyo-e described the daily life of common people, portraits of Kabuki actors, beautiful women, and famous sceneries like Mt. Fuji. And Ukiyo-e also took on roles such as magazines, advertisements, and guidebooks for people living in the city. Ukiyo-e is made by several craftsmen who have different specialties. "Eshi" is a painter who draws the original pictures. "Horishi" is a carver who sculpts the woodblock. "Surishi" is a printer who colors the woodblock and prints them on a paper. The notable feature of Ukiyo-e is vividly multi-colored printing and outstanding layout. Modern AI technology enables old great works refreshed and three-dimensional.

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Jun 2021
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