Discreet Landscapes is a collection of digitally created artworks exploring the natural world through an imagined and utopic lens. Created over a period of 4 years, each scene was imagined purely, and discreetly from a digital perspective - all the natural elements created only from memory, intuition, or a digital library. By creating this contrast to traditional landscape art, the artist has attempted to reframe the idea of how nature can be represented in a digital sense.
Discreet Landscapes is a collection of digitally created artworks exploring the natural world through an imagined and utopic lens. Created over a period of 4 years, each scene was imagined purely, and discreetly from a digital perspective - all the natural elements created only from memory, intuition, or a digital library. By creating this contrast to traditional landscape art, the artist has attempted to reframe the idea of how nature can be represented in a digital sense.