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Cityscapes are what inspired me to take photography seriously. Since I was a kid, I always wanted to hold on to that moment when the city unfolds before my eyes, with its glowing lights and busy life. Later on, when I got my first camera, I knew what I wanted to do first.

I present you my collection of 15 fine art landscapes taken at twilight across 3 different continents over a period of 3 years. It’s been a journey that I felt blessed to be able to put into pictures and which I am proud to share now with you.

Each item, except for one, has a 4K resolution and 16:9 format such that it looks good on any screen, whether in a slideshow or as a wallpaper. The special one is square, and I will let you discover it on your own. It is special because it gave me a sense of accomplishment when I took it and it coincided with a new phase in my life as a photographer.

Aug 2021
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