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The Color of Wild | Kat Livengood | Wild Horses

These images–my second collection– are a companion to my genesis collection, Rare and Wild, also on Opensea.

Ten years ago I began photographing wild horses as a way to heal from a huge life change that left me uncertain about both past and future. Spending time with herds of mustangs on beautiful, open land gave me the space and time to figure out a new life that was genuine, creative, and fulfilling, and to turn my focus back outward. I now have a thriving fine art photography business based in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Many of the wild horses I've photographed are no longer on public lands, as continuous government roundups decimate their numbers. You will also find a few images here in which I honor horses that live untamed on wild horse sanctuaries; they are perhaps even more deserving of our gaze, and will forever be wild souls.

Images taken with Canon 5Ds/5D Mark II. All are 1/1 NFTs.

A portion of proceeds from each sale will be donated to wild horse rescue.

Dec 2021
Creator earnings