Mists aglow in moonlight. Vibrant color in deepest dark. Wicked and playful: Shadow Hearts!
Shadow Hearts is the official artwork and world building collection of The Kimoji NFT Project!
Artwork by Kipheo - @Kipheo_art (TWT) / @Kipheo (OS)
https://thekimoji.xyz / https://opensea.io/collection/the-kimoji
Mists aglow in moonlight. Vibrant color in deepest dark. Wicked and playful: Shadow Hearts!
Shadow Hearts is the official artwork and world building collection of The Kimoji NFT Project!
Artwork by Kipheo - @Kipheo_art (TWT) / @Kipheo (OS)
https://thekimoji.xyz / https://opensea.io/collection/the-kimoji
Unique items
· 3
Total items
· 44
· Nov 2022
Creator earnings
· 10%