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Sarah Main Art Studio

Thank you for dropping by to check out my NFT art. I am honoured to share my work with you. All my pieces are digitally remixed versions of my physical paintings...

My current work is a visual diary of my search for sense in a nonsensical world. It’s primarily driven by motherhood and the desire to protect life. I use the act of painting to allow my mind to explore ways in which we can affect positive change on a personal, community and global level.

The basis of my work is a continuous line that represents the thread of our interconnectedness. As we cannot affect one thing without affecting another, all our actions must be considered and then many reformed. I communicate the urgency for change and transformation by the use of a vibrant colour palette. I apply the colour intuitively until it reaches the ideal symbiosis to reflect the perfection and beauty I see in the world around us.

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Dec 2021
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