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Primal Ritual

Love looking into the fire.

Sacred state where energy building the shape of substance is wildly released in the form of light and heat. Matter looses its form and falls apart reminding what is our essence. In flames one can see the inner self. Imagination unleashed.

People look into flames since the beginning of times. First human ritual. PRIMAL RITUAL

Exploring the way things develop you may always find the same intelligence behind that process, no matter what kind of "thing" it is.

Maybe you have experienced it already. In a dream, while perceiving wonders of nature or in altered states of mind. You can find it anywhere you look. In microstructures of tissues and minerals, plants, bodies, formations of stars and galaxies - the ubiquitous, yet hidden archetypal symbols of pure symmetry, fractal generation, inception, evolution and extinction showing there must be some beautiful universal Consciousness behind it all.

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Mar 2021
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