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Patagonia Untamed: High Peaks of Patagonia

Collection "High Peaks of Patagonia"

Esteban Villarroel Cores Eduardo Navarro Cores

They call Patagonia his children the White Mother. They say that God did not want her for the far and far away, and the night that is its dawn and his cry in the wind by the cry of its wind, for his kneeling grass and because a river populates it of afforested people.

Those who never speak they had a mother so white, and never the green Gea it was so angelic and white not so supportive and mysterious and quiet. What a sweet mother they gave you, Patagonia, the far away! Only known to the father South Pole, which declares you, what did he do to you, and what is he looking at you of eternal and meek look.

-Gabriela Mistral-

Jan 2022
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