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Neolokal Collection

Neolokal is a restaurant based in Istanbul serving stylish and contemporary Anatolian cuisine and focuses on bringing new ways of thinking and modern techniques into your plates.

If we do not protect our food culture, heritage, and traditions, the next generations to come will not have anything left in their hands.
 To guarantee our future, our traditions have to be adjusted to today's circumstances and become sustainable. The correct way for us to do this is to express our respect for the earth at every opportunity and to share this deep respect we feel with our guests, in a humble manner.

As Neolokal; we consider ourselves timeless. This gives us the opportunity to constantly renew ourselves as we continue our path and learning from our past which is our roots, traditions, and lost cultures, and preserve it for the future generations by presenting dishes from the past that will be accepted in the future.

(This project is provided by Tooken NFT Agency,

Aug 2021
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