Ownership count not accurate due to Good Dog House Staking. Total NFTs currently staked in the Good Dog House (https://gooddog.house) - 1156
My Good Dog is a collection of 1,555 NFTs that represent the Good Dog (HEEL) brand. The second NFT collection in the HEEL Ecosystem.
HEEL NFT v1.0: https://opensea.io/collection/heel-nft
Ownership count not accurate due to Good Dog House Staking. Total NFTs currently staked in the Good Dog House (https://gooddog.house) - 1156
My Good Dog is a collection of 1,555 NFTs that represent the Good Dog (HEEL) brand. The second NFT collection in the HEEL Ecosystem.
HEEL NFT v1.0: https://opensea.io/collection/heel-nft
· 1,555
· Jan 2023
Creator earnings
· 5%