Shingo Tamagawa / Animation filmmaker / TOKYO Born in 1987. Born in Nara Prefecture. Worked as an animator in commercial animation, mainly for Sunrise INC, as an original artist and animation director. After that, he spent several years creating and releasing an independent short animation "PUPARIA" (2020). The work has attracted a lot of attention, especially on the Internet. While moving back and forth between analog and digital, he is searching for a new way of animation expression. He is currently preparing a new animation of his own. Winner of the Sapporo Beer Prize at the 7th New Chitose Airport International Animation Film Festival. One of the Japan anime young talent.
Shingo Tamagawa / Animation filmmaker / TOKYO Born in 1987. Born in Nara Prefecture. Worked as an animator in commercial animation, mainly for Sunrise INC, as an original artist and animation director. After that, he spent several years creating and releasing an independent short animation "PUPARIA" (2020). The work has attracted a lot of attention, especially on the Internet. While moving back and forth between analog and digital, he is searching for a new way of animation expression. He is currently preparing a new animation of his own. Winner of the Sapporo Beer Prize at the 7th New Chitose Airport International Animation Film Festival. One of the Japan anime young talent.
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