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Michael Blumenstock

After traveling to Japan, I was deeply touched by the beauty, intensity, and spiritual qualities of their culture, art, architecture, and people, and began to study the Kanji characters, which originated in China thousands of years ago. The mystical and elemental quality of the characters inspired me to create the calligraphic gestural pieces you see in the gallery. I combine elements of the characters with abstract representational images of people, animals, trees, flowers, and leave it to the imagination of the viewer to decipher the hidden meanings within each piece. I utilize various modern tools and technologies to create unique imagery based on my feelings at the moment, and usually adhere to the rules of the Chinese calligraphers, by drawing the “character, line, and shape” only once.

Major artistic influences include Matisse, Monet, Rauschenberg, Kandinsky, Miro, Calder, Brancusi, Hiroshige, and countless others.

Aug 2021
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