The Marshall Fight Club is a collection of unique Marshall Fighter NFTs. The Fighter NFTs double as exclusive memberships to the Fight Club, granting access to members-only privileges such as free access to events worldwide to the first crypto-powered combat sports promotion: Marshall Fighting Championship.
Having a Fight Club NFT is not only about having a cool digital identity, or being an honor badge to be part of an exclusive club, but also influencing the future and shaping the Marshall Fighting Championship
NFT sales will generate fees to finance all the perks associated with being a Marshall Fight Club member (Access to exclusive MFC events).
The Marshall Fight Club is a collection of unique Marshall Fighter NFTs. The Fighter NFTs double as exclusive memberships to the Fight Club, granting access to members-only privileges such as free access to events worldwide to the first crypto-powered combat sports promotion: Marshall Fighting Championship.
Having a Fight Club NFT is not only about having a cool digital identity, or being an honor badge to be part of an exclusive club, but also influencing the future and shaping the Marshall Fighting Championship
NFT sales will generate fees to finance all the perks associated with being a Marshall Fight Club member (Access to exclusive MFC events).
· 4,443
· Jul 2022
Creator earnings
· 10%