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The Litmus Test

Litmus Test is a Genesis Psychedelic, Sound Art Collectible series consisting of 100 limited edition pieces priced at 0.0165 each. The piece uses the concept of Pereidolia to hide an entire collectible series of 165 characters within one piece of art. The artwork is one piece viewed vertically and a whole other piece viewed horizontally.The piece is a psychedelic puzzle, a self portrait viewed vertically, an entire collectible series, a Rorschach test of sorts and a piece of music.

The human mind evolved to scope out shapes and patterns based on preconceived biases and influences.To serve our survival, a sharp sense of sight and sound was developed to avoid becoming prey, sight gave us a 180 degree view of our surroundings and our hearing developed further to help us gauge everything outside our peripheral view.This ability to detect patterns now serves a very different purpose in music and visual art, where our mind keenly scopes out patterns based upon its own preconceived bias.

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Aug 2021
Creator earnings