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I know why you're here, or at least I think I have an idea.

See, why we collect things isn't entirely understood. Some think it comes from our hunter-gathering instincts. Foraging for berries, or food. Being part of a surviving community, having a valued place in a group.

It can be therapeutic, an extension of control over an uncaring world. No wonder NFTs, crypto, and investing blew up this past year. We are more isolated than ever. We are looking for a connection. I have an answer: Lenny.

We all feel like Lenny sometimes. Trying our best. Thriving, but unsure. Scared. Brave, lost. Alone, home. Content. I feel all of this before breakfast, and I'm sure you do too. That's what Lenny is. I want to draw Lennys, and I want you to buy them. Return to hunter-gatherer monke, be part of the tribe.

Buy one, sell one, use one as a PP, collect them all, bask in their glory, feel one with Lenny. Buy the Lenny. Do it. I want you to buy Lenny.

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Mar 2021
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