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This collection is about a theme I hold closely to my heart: Passerby's.

People we pass on the daily - there's a ethereal purity to the concept of being gathered with an individual (even for just the second of passing) and walking away, ignorant of anything and everything about that person. It's been a great inspiration to me to try and unravel what mysteries a person holds when all I have to work with is just a second of their face. What beauties, stories and horrors does a stranger hold? From society as a whole we know that everyone goes through pain, and everyone experiences some form of joy. My question with this collection is "where does that joy or pain come from?". These faces are not true portraits of people I have passed in my life, but subtle facial recollections, and as much emotion and visceral stories I could gather from that second.

This collection is about that second.

Jul 2022
Creator earnings