EZU is membership NFT providing member benefits and exclusive access to its holders with the Wear2Earn lifestyle application available on IOS (Android coming soon)
With the EZU app, brands will be able to provide their customers with a combination of exclusive rewards based on how often they wear their clothes.
Based on our member benefit plans, we will aim to provide increased reward multiplier per membership token held, a say in the development of the app, access to Wear2Earn enabled brands and discounts on Wear2Earn products.
When you purchase a EZU non-fungible tokens (NFTs) from either Voltura Labs Pty Ltd (ACN 655 142 644) OR any seller of an NFT on a secondary market you must agree to the terms and conditions set out in this document: https://ezu.xyz/nft-license and agree as stated in our terms that there is no expectation of profit when holding this membership token (NFT).
EZU is membership NFT providing member benefits and exclusive access to its holders with the Wear2Earn lifestyle application available on IOS (Android coming soon)
With the EZU app, brands will be able to provide their customers with a combination of exclusive rewards based on how often they wear their clothes.
Based on our member benefit plans, we will aim to provide increased reward multiplier per membership token held, a say in the development of the app, access to Wear2Earn enabled brands and discounts on Wear2Earn products.
When you purchase a EZU non-fungible tokens (NFTs) from either Voltura Labs Pty Ltd (ACN 655 142 644) OR any seller of an NFT on a secondary market you must agree to the terms and conditions set out in this document: https://ezu.xyz/nft-license and agree as stated in our terms that there is no expectation of profit when holding this membership token (NFT).