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ExoBond is a collection of NFT Edition bonds that, for the first time in the planet's history, allows Earthlings to do business with other planets and invest in a highly successful company Medvee z mami (Slovenian for “Me and my mom”) from the neighboring 4. Dimensional planet Palki. All investors receive a 10x return on their investment, along with their initial investment.

Investors who participate in the Partnership for the Awakened Earth with an ExoBond investment, helping to prepare the planet for a fantastic life after the end of the karmic occupation, their partners and families will be among the first to receive new, young, healthy, and beautiful bodies and many other gifts.

Read more about this unique opportunity in my article What is exo investing? :

and in my book Declaration of the Future of the Earth after the End of the Karmic Blockade of the Earth:

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Apr 2022
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