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Persons, Places & Things - Dustin Yellin x Nouns x FWB

About this collection

Persons, Places & Things is a commemorative Open Edition drop that celebrates the completion of Dustin Yellin’s Psychogeography sculpture for NounsDAO alongside FWB Fest.

It is a set of 22 excerpts from the original sculpture Person, Place or Thing. In each mint, receive a randomized 1 of the 22, of varying rarity.

They will be featured at the OpenSea Gallery at FWB Festival and will be available to mint from August 3-6, 2023, for the festival’s duration.

This commemorative set celebrates the partnership of Dustin Yellin with two of the most celebrated web3 communities and is part of his ongoing investigation into the world of web3, networks, and new models of governance.

15% of the mint proceeds will go to the Nouns DAO treasury, feeding back into the ecosystem that helped create it and honoring their ongoing investigation into creating additional value capture mechanisms.

Person, Place or Thing

In April 2022, Yellin was commissioned by NounsDAO to create Person, Place or Thing, a sculptural portrait that layered each Nouns avatar into one fantastic body. For the commission, Yellin hand painted the 402 Nouns minted in Year One, integrating them into an artwork to forge a record of the history of Nouns DAO.

Dustin Yellin

Dustin Yellin (B. 1975, California) lives in Brooklyn, New York, and is the Founder and President of Pioneer Works. Yellin tells stories that weave together the idea of how both the human world, and the other worlds of critters, plants, and rocks have always already been a collection of enmeshed networks - even if many are hidden.

His multidisciplinary approach tunnels across traditionally siloed fields so as to capture and crystalize the diverse forces of nature and machine. Through a body of work, which includes object making, animation, pedagogy, and the forming of institutions, Yellin draws attention to the paradox of how everyone and everything is interconnected, and yet alienated at the same time.

As a bridge toward a more holistic world, the artist balances descriptive poetry with a prescriptive social practice so as to span new ways of seeing and being.