Persons, Places & Things is a commemorative open edition drop that celebrates the completion of Dustin Yellin’s Psychogeography sculpture for NounsDAO alongside FWB Fest.
In April 2022, Yellin was commissioned by NounsDAO to create Person, Place or Thing, a sculptural portrait that layered each Nouns avatar into one fantastic body. For the commission, Yellin hand painted the 402 Nouns minted in Year One, integrating them into an artwork to forge a record of the history of Nouns DAO.
A set of 22 excerpts of the sculpture will be featured at the OpenSea Gallery at FWB Festival and will be available to mint from August 3-6, 2023, for the festival’s duration.
This commemorative set celebrates the partnership of Dustin Yellin with two of the most celebrated web3 communities and is part of his ongoing investigation into the world of web3, networks, and new models of governance.
Persons, Places & Things is a commemorative open edition drop that celebrates the completion of Dustin Yellin’s Psychogeography sculpture for NounsDAO alongside FWB Fest.
In April 2022, Yellin was commissioned by NounsDAO to create Person, Place or Thing, a sculptural portrait that layered each Nouns avatar into one fantastic body. For the commission, Yellin hand painted the 402 Nouns minted in Year One, integrating them into an artwork to forge a record of the history of Nouns DAO.
A set of 22 excerpts of the sculpture will be featured at the OpenSea Gallery at FWB Festival and will be available to mint from August 3-6, 2023, for the festival’s duration.
This commemorative set celebrates the partnership of Dustin Yellin with two of the most celebrated web3 communities and is part of his ongoing investigation into the world of web3, networks, and new models of governance.
Persons, Places & Things is a commemorative open edition drop that celebrates the completion of Dustin Yellin’s Psychogeography sculpture for NounsDAO alongside FWB Fest.
In April 2022, Yellin was commissioned by NounsDAO to create Person, Place or Thing, a sculptural portrait that layered each Nouns avatar into one fantastic body. For the commission, Yellin hand painted the 402 Nouns minted in Year One, integrating them into an artwork to forge a record of the history of Nouns DAO.
A set of 22 excerpts of the sculpture will be featured at the OpenSea Gallery at FWB Festival and will be available to mint from August 3-6, 2023, for the festival’s duration.
This commemorative set celebrates the partnership of Dustin Yellin with two of the most celebrated web3 communities and is part of his ongoing investigation into the world of web3, networks, and new models of governance.
· 9,971
· Jul 2023
Creator earnings
· 10%