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Dreaming with Ingenuity

Dreaming with Ingenuity is like a hall of mirrors into a new era of art and poetry, every direction you look, you see something different and visually stimulating

Art and Poetry is unquestionably one of the purest and highest elements in human happiness. It trains the mind through the eye, and the eye through the mind. As the sun colors flowers, so does art and poetry color life

Collaboration w/ The Poetic Barders Society

About The Poetic Barders Society Descendants of 333, nothing but a family of professional poets (epic authors) built on love, support, happiness and most especially, a love for God, his word and loving relationships between family members to ignite emotions and lift others

A family of 6 from various countries (India, Indonesia, Nigeria, A father and his little kid from illinois), and more wonderful people to be invited with time - we rise by lifting others

Let us dream of tomorrow, Better days

Mar 2022
Creator earnings