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Back Yourself

'Back Yourself' has been a long time coming. Am I talking about the timeline of the collection or my own journey to really backing my own work and ability?

The answer is; both.

This collection is an empowering digital presence. Labeling it 'Back Yourself' was purposeful to give the image a positive connotation. When you see these backs on the blockchain, I want a Pavlovian reaction to think 'Back Yourself' like how you'd think 'Just Do It' when you see the Nike swoosh. I know, I am dreaming big, why not?!

Drawing the back and not focusing on facial beauty was another purposeful and freeing idea. Instead of labeling this collection beautiful, I wanted to steer people towards other descriptive words that we'd associate with a backbone. Words like strong, brave, loyalty.

The layers contain a lot of my physical art work.

We are launching in the Spring.....which is right around the corner!!!

May 2022
Creator earnings