"Appearance" is a series of works that seek to imitate reality. It is the relationship between our everyday life based on virtual appearance and our way of perceiving the new reality. The flower becomes a metaphor for ourselves as we immerse ourselves in a society full of appearances of which we are not part but which by necessity we must participate. There is no longer a difference between reality and virtuality. Our image is created in the image and likeness of the imagination we have of our image. it is a useless selfie of everyday life that allows us to identify ourselves as part of social everyday life.
"Appearance" is a series of works that seek to imitate reality. It is the relationship between our everyday life based on virtual appearance and our way of perceiving the new reality. The flower becomes a metaphor for ourselves as we immerse ourselves in a society full of appearances of which we are not part but which by necessity we must participate. There is no longer a difference between reality and virtuality. Our image is created in the image and likeness of the imagination we have of our image. it is a useless selfie of everyday life that allows us to identify ourselves as part of social everyday life.
Unique items
· 20
Total items
· 0
· Jul 2022
Creator earnings
· 10%