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Ade's Press (Polygon)

A personal Writing & Art collection (on Polygon) of various works by Ade M. Campbell.

Own & support original creative content (plus in some cases, changing updates) of Ade's poems, artwork or other creative output - on specific online pages (see items) or published online.

Notes: The original state (at time of minting) is also stored permanently on Arweave (the .txt is unlockable for download).

Collectors can reproduce or display page contents in any form they wish (not for sale) and may be airdropped future or related works for free.
Collectors can make comments (on Medium etc.) but please note: updates/edits will be final by creator.
Extra artwork or media may be added to the associated Medium page, which may enhance (or affect) value of the NFT over time.
Owners can check up on the updated 'state' of their item (on Medium, Mirror etc.)

Many thanks in advance for becoming owners and supporters of my work.
Collection created 2021.
ade mc @ ade's press

Nov 2021
Creator earnings