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2020 Covering History

All photographs taken by Leslie Spurlock and are 1/1's. A portion of the profits will be donated to disaster relief.

At the start of the pandemic, I mostly stayed home and didn't go out a lot. During the last week in May, George Floyd was killed at the hands of the police, and a wave of protests broke out across the nation. I saw history in the making and a movement beginning. I felt it was important for me to capture these moments in history, so my husband and I jumped in the car and drove from Dallas, Texas, to Minneapolis, Minnesota. We arrived the evening of May 29, and we went directly to where the fires were. We covered a 20+ mile protest the next day, along with the cleanup following the destruction the night before. My husband and I subsequently went on to cover around 17 protests across the nation including Portland, Tulsa, Austin, Louisville twice, and many more. Here are some of the images.

Dec 2021
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