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Joined July 2021
Joined July 2021

SJONSJINE generates 3d synthetic art and electronic music, triggered by algorithmic seeds, distorted by randomization and then polished!

SJONSJINE generates 3d synthetic art and electronic music, triggered by algorithmic seeds, distorted by randomization and then polished!

SJONSJINE generates 3d synthetic art and electronic music, triggered by algorithmic seeds, distorted by randomization and then polished!

SJONSJINE generates 3d synthetic art and electronic music, triggered by algorithmic seeds, distorted by randomization and then polished!

SJONSJINE generates 3d synthetic art and electronic music, triggered by algorithmic seeds, distorted by randomization and then polished!

SJONSJINE generates 3d synthetic art and electronic music, triggered by algorithmic seeds, distorted by randomization and then polished!

SJONSJINE generates 3d synthetic art and electronic music, triggered by algorithmic seeds, distorted by randomization and then polished!

SJONSJINE generates 3d synthetic art and electronic music, triggered by algorithmic seeds, distorted by randomization and then polished!