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HOTLUNCH aka Orlando Campbell was raised by an art collecting family in the London borough of Chelsea. From an early age he lived with and was influenced by the work of artists such as; Frank Stella, Patrick Caulfield, Kenneth Noland and Eduardo Paolozzi. These artists’ use of colour and symmetry were to become important influences on his work over the following years.
In 2001, he moved to the countryside and started work as a full time artist.

In his spare moments, he worked with plumbing, laying underground pipework and became fascinated with raw construction materials, such as pipes, driving diggers and welding. He investigated art work possibilities with diagrams, colour and juxtaposition, then painted molecules, atoms and strands of DNA. These works became known at the Curly Wurlys and Venns and also his created his sculpture series of Pills.

Mar 2021