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Major League Beastball

BEASTball is fun take on our favorite pastime. There are 4 types of Beasts, Hall of Fame Beasts, Star Beasts, Beast Legends, and Local Beast Legends. Each Beast is a 1/1. Holders will be eligible for exclusive rewards.

Your first piece will place you on the AA team and as you add to your collection you will be re-assigned all the way up to team captain. Ranked Stars and Captains will receive access to "The Owners Box" on discord and receive exclusive offers including rare piece pre-purchase opportunities on new drops, exclusive giveaways and more. Rankings are as follows: 1 Piece-AA Team 2 Pieces-AAA Team 3 Pieces-MLB Regular 4 Pieces- Team Star 5+ Pieces- Team Captain

Each Beast contains stats, properties and characteristics that make everyone a unique piece Hall of Fame= Gold Star- Gray Legend- Blue Local Legend- Red Beast Moment- Green

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Jun 2021