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Framed in Roses by Klara of the Laughing Roses

After a sensational sellout on her first collection with Orangehare, enigmatic artist “Klara of the Laughing Roses” returns to Opensea with a new drop that dives deeper into the clandestine world she has spent the last ten years crafting. Through a life spent frame-by-frame as an art teacher in the sleepy town of Daegu, Klara has quietly tended to the garden of her own imagination, spending late nights blending molten beeswax and pigment onto wood. Now, thanks to animation assistance by Midjourney and the anonymity assured by web3, her creations bloom with newfound vitality. Expanding on themes of privacy, introspection, and potential left unrealized- “Framed in Roses” invites viewers to think beyond their own “frames” and gaze through new windows of potential within themselves. In the garden of our own imaginations, anything can take root and grow, no matter the shadows outside.

Mar 2024