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ESCAPE Genesis by Axo Fight Club

1,000 Axolotls have escaped from the pet store and returned to Xochimilco to help save their friends!

ESCAPE is an Arcade game where you can experience the life of a wild Axolotl, and win prizes! The game is completely free to play, and by playing you will earn raffle tickets to cash in for weekly prizes.

NFT holders will be able to play as their own unique Axolotl NFT in-game, and receive a multiplier on raffle tickets earned per NFT owned! For every NFT purchased, you will also receive bonus raffle tickets.

We are building this project in partnership with the Laboratorio de Restauracion Ecologica, the lab in Mexico City running the Axolotl conservation effort. With them, we are raising funds and awareness to help save the Axolotl!

Website | ESCAPE

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Oct 2022