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Canvas A Birth : 0 pcs PEACEMINUSONE : 13,444 pcs ARCHIVE Lv 1.0 : 4,444 pcs ARCHIVE Lv 2.0 : 2,944 pcs GIFT : 1,568 pcs

Canvas B Birth : 2,014 pcs PEACEMINUSONE : 11,430 pcs ARCHIVE Lv 1.0 : 4,444 pcs ARCHIVE Lv 2.0 : 2,944 pcs GIFT : 1,568 pcs

This collection is from Canvas A and it has Birth 0 pcs, PEACEMINUSONE 13,444 pcs, ARCHIVE Lv 1.0 4,444 pcs, ARCHIVE Lv 2.0 2,944 pcs, and GIFT 1,568 pcs. Only PEACEMINUSONE Tier NFTs are minted on Canvas A.

Archive of PEACEMINUSONE is the first PEACEMINUSONE's own brand NFT, co-planning with Fandom Studio. PEACEMINUSONE is a fashion line founded by G-Dragon who is known as the "King of K-pop" and is also famed as a fashion icon across the globe. PEACEMINUSONE means peace is the intersection(one) of the ideal and the real(minus), connecting the utopian world with the real world.

The identity of PEACEMINUSONE is represented in |ARCHIVE 2016’| which is a creation by G-Dragon.

Mar 2023
BNB Chain