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Negative_Vibrations 橫幅



已加入 December 2020
已加入 December 2020

Capturing fragments of time, visualising emotions and trying to make the world stop for a minute.

Past clients: Netflix, Bethesda, EA, NBC,

Capturing fragments of time, visualising emotions and trying to make the world stop for a minute.

Past clients: Netflix, Bethesda, EA, NBC,

Capturing fragments of time, visualising emotions and trying to make the world stop for a minute.

Past clients: Netflix, Bethesda, EA, NBC,

Capturing fragments of time, visualising emotions and trying to make the world stop for a minute.

Past clients: Netflix, Bethesda, EA, NBC,

Capturing fragments of time, visualising emotions and trying to make the world stop for a minute.

Past clients: Netflix, Bethesda, EA, NBC,

Capturing fragments of time, visualising emotions and trying to make the world stop for a minute.

Past clients: Netflix, Bethesda, EA, NBC,

Capturing fragments of time, visualising emotions and trying to make the world stop for a minute.

Past clients: Netflix, Bethesda, EA, NBC,

Capturing fragments of time, visualising emotions and trying to make the world stop for a minute.

Past clients: Netflix, Bethesda, EA, NBC,
