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AutonomousPrism 橫幅



已加入 June 2021
已加入 June 2021

A collection of 9K+ digital works made from a single a glitch artifact video over 10 years. Works shown in Brooklyn Museum (2016)

A collection of 9K+ digital works made from a single a glitch artifact video over 10 years. Works shown in Brooklyn Museum (2016)

A collection of 9K+ digital works made from a single a glitch artifact video over 10 years. Works shown in Brooklyn Museum (2016)

A collection of 9K+ digital works made from a single a glitch artifact video over 10 years. Works shown in Brooklyn Museum (2016)

A collection of 9K+ digital works made from a single a glitch artifact video over 10 years. Works shown in Brooklyn Museum (2016)

A collection of 9K+ digital works made from a single a glitch artifact video over 10 years. Works shown in Brooklyn Museum (2016)

A collection of 9K+ digital works made from a single a glitch artifact video over 10 years. Works shown in Brooklyn Museum (2016)

A collection of 9K+ digital works made from a single a glitch artifact video over 10 years. Works shown in Brooklyn Museum (2016)

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